Hi- I am an overweight adult (5"8 and 200 lbs) and I am trying to lose weight by eating right and exercising. I also have varicose veins. I am wondering what you would suggest in terms of an exercise schedule. Would it be dangerous for me to run at my weight? Should I start off by walking? What is the distance you would recommend for me to walk/run? Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Carly
It wouldn't be dangerous as long as you don't rush it and just work into it gradually.I would start with a light jog walk program alternating back and fourth as you feel working your way up to 1hr and often as you want to get out the door.Just have a great deal of patience in your quest and you will become the hero of your own success story Carly.You will win as long as you don't quick.I started out years ago just like i mentioned and your going to do.Enjoy the venture.
All the best
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