Hello! I wanted to start jogging to get into shape but I don't know whether it's best to eat before jogging, or after. If I eat before I get cramps, if I eat after I tend to eat more because I work up hunger, which probably isnt the best since im trying to lose weight..
What do you suggest?
Hi Brittany
The best thing is run first then breakfast.You might find this strange,but you will find a gold standard breakfast that will really set up your day.I recommend a really great salad.You can add so many powerful nutrients in a very low calorie count,but very extremely high in values to the functioning of the muscular skeleton and cardiovascular system on a day to day basis.You can put any thing in it.Here is a few things you can add.Walnuts,high in omega3..almonds vit e source,legunes all kinds,onions,broccoli,cauliflower,radishes,lettuce,carrots,peppers,cucumbers,seasons like tumeric,cayenne pepper,cinnamon,garlic.tomatoes olive oil.There is no limit to what goes in.This will be very filling satisfying lasting and provide everything with very high fuel content.You can eat this all the time.I would also add 500mg vit c 3 times a day with food.You will love this Brittany.If you have any further questions just get in touch.This is what i do quite frequently.
All the very best
Clicking knee going up stairs
cracking knees