feeling better
Hi Nick
Adding the bridges back to my routine seems to have helped my medius and psoas discomfort. However running seems to be a constant chase after discomfort someplace or another. Or maybe aging is a constant chase after discomfort someplace or another.
Any suggestion for relieving a pain on the point of my hip - maybe where a tendon attached to the hip bone? Doesn't bother me during a run. More when I sit at my damn desk at work. It's mainly at the point of the hip but also across the joint between the hip and femur.
I recommend seeing a physical therapist. Make sure you find one that will perform joint mobilizations and high velocity thrust manipulations. If you can find one that has the credentials OCS that is nice, but not necessary. If you have need help deciding send me their names, credentials, or website and I can recommend who I would see. If it is hip joint pain then it can likely be easily alleviated with manual therapy to the hip and low back.
Please make sure to do this. You may be able to get away with only 3-5 treatment sessions and be pain free and running again. Don't hesitate to ask for more recommendations or help.
return to running - heel pain, plantar fasciatis
clicking in right knee