QUESTION: Hello Nick - the issue you had been helping me with my ankle has gotten much better. In a large part thanks to the exercises you suggested and in part due to rest. the weather has caused me to miss so many runs this winter and I have not had the motivation to either get on the treadmill which I hate or run in the frigid temps. But while the rest has helped my ankle it has not helped and may have even hurt my hips which are stiff and painful and the base of my 2 or 3 middle toes which have been aching lately. Can lack of use actually make that worse? Any suggestions for stretches or exercises for the toes?
ANSWER: Good to hear from you again, Len. Yes, rest can make them worse. Joint pain is typically worse with rest. Do they hurt more with your first few steps in the morning and then start to loosen up?
Exercise and stretching should help to improve those. The more movement you can have in the joints the better.
As always, don't hesitate to let me know if I can be of further assistance.
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QUESTION: It's remarkable how a couple of runs can make my glute pain vanish.
Good to hear! I'm glad you asked the question. How are your toes?
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QUESTION: Toes still bother me. Mostly first thing in the morning. Though sometimes during the day while walking. Maybe metatarsalitis? I do use a tennis ball on my feet in the morning during a stretching routine.
I also have found though my ankle feels better it is sore the day after running.
I would not recommend aging. The past Until I was 49-50ish I never had to deal with aches and pains
Len, A friend of mine who was in his 70s always said to not get old. I asked, "What's the alternative?" He said, "Not too good." I thought that to be relevant here!
Seeing a PT would help your toe pain very likely. Joint mobilizations and stretching are important for that. It seems like joint pain in the metatarsals. That's classic for being sore in the morning, but feeling better as you continue to move and walk around. Look for my towel eater exercise on youtube. That is a good exercise to do in the morning for toes.
Heel spur/plantar faciatis