Hip/side discomfort during run
Hello Nick - Happy New Year
I am a right side dominant person and runner (except for hockey and lacrosse. somehow I played those lefty) Lately I have noticed a discomfort in my left hip/side/glute during running. Most of my tightness and discomforts loosen up after the initial 3/4 of a mile but this seems not to. Any stretches you might recommend? I have gone back to doing clamshells and bridges every day to try and help it.
Good to hear from you, Len. Try doing a yoga pose from child's pose to cobra. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nq2kmFZgCCQ (I don't really care if you do the point your feet and breathing cues, but the movement for your back is what is important.)
Keep up with the clamshells and bridges and add this in. If you don't notice a difference after doing this for 3 minutes each day for a week then let me know.
Good luck!
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