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my running schedule

2016/7/22 10:13:57

Hey this my old email...

Subject: morning runs
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i'm in grade 10
I ran the deer lake run twice last year- 17:20 min, and then 14:55
I ran it once this year and i got 17:20, actually I practically walked halfway, It was raining and I had a cramp, and walking helped the pain haha but after that I'm not sore or tired, I feel great from my lazy summer, which I only ran tracks for 8 laps, about 3 times. Is there anyway I can turn my 17:20 of walking and running to 10 minutes pace-running? I have a whole year to reach my goal. I'd like to run around the block (4 blocks about) every morning, while timming myself, and trying to increase then increase the number of rounds I run. You think that would help?

also, I'd like to ask about nutrition. should i eat before running? or after (cause of digesting, and cramps, etc)? and how about warmups, how long? I go to school at 8 40 am. so... i'll tell you how long it takes me to do certain things in the morning

wake up: 0
eat: 15
brush teeth: 5
change: 10 (wow that's pretty long)
put on contacts: 10

also, when I'm running in the morning, i think i'd stick in the shower. so. hmm gahh its pretty confusing, I want to run daily from now on, i need advice on how I should schedule it into my day. i usually walk 15 (fastest) to school and back everyday, with a 10 pound or more backpack, its pretty tiring at the end of the day.

I'm actually trying to improve in long distance, but for my school marks, its only required for me to run 20 minutes, or less for long distance. maybe I should join team, but i have a peeve about teams, they're kind of a rip off with the fees and all.

well i've kind of decided my schedule would be

600wake up, change
615 warm up walking for 10 minutes (steps)
625 run around the block once
630~cool down/ walk for 5 minutes
635 stretch, walk back up (i live in an apartment)
645 shower
700 eat
brush teeth, change etc

with waking up at 600, i have extra time to like ... cool down b4 getting to school (i think blood rushes to my head mostly when running, my eyes get a little red, but my face doesnt turn really red when running, depends on the weather i guess- do you think blood circulation is important?) oh yeah, i'm 15, what time should I go to sleep, cause i heard 8 hours isnt enough, meaning... i should be sleeping at what-- 8? or maybe 10 is enough. haha yeah i have alot to ask, i usually dont run daily, thought this might improve my cardio

thanks for reading... i think i have more to ask, maybe i'll ask some more q's from my doctor when i do get a check up
Answer -
dear michelle
with all that writing you did not give me your height weight.I need to know if your ratio is with in the norm.
your improvement can be a piece of cake.can you run on weekends when you have more time?....forget about your cool down because your trip to school will take care of that...and cut down your warm up to 5 minutes.there i just gave you 10 minutes.....no food before you run in morning.....ref. sleep.that is going to change from time to time.rule of thumb...if you feel tired go to sleep unless your craming for school and have to burn the candle.as you get in better shape you will be able to stay up longer ala your blood circulation will be better since that is where oxygen and nutrients are transported to operating organs and tissue.by the way is the deer lake run in new jersey?.....
michelle if you give me the number of days you want to comit to run i will put a schedule together for you....but first give me your height weight.you shoul be able to get down to a 830 to 9 pace if you comit your self....hope this help you out michelle. let me know what you want to do.
the very best to you
John DeHart
albuquerque new mexico

my height- 5/6
my weight- 105-110
deer lake is in burnaby, bc, canada.. i dont know how long it is though
i can commit to about... 5 days a week for sure, but for weekends, i think i can do it too. is it better to run every single day then? i think i'd decide depending on the time. anyway, thank you in advanced- Michelle

John DeHart Answers -
dear michelle
alternate weeks of 5 days in a row with every other day on following week but once a week i want you to do a longer run of 3 times the lenth of your dailly runs and move that run up gradually to 8 times your regular run and run the long run on the weekends and take the following day off two days if need be.always run confortable.speed will come later inthe program .aprox 6 months.you also what to keep a diary to evaluate your progress.you should be able to get your long run up to 8 times reg.run in three months........your height weight looks good.just make sure you eat like a champion.NO GARBAGE.be responsible.this is serious business you are taking on michelle.I comend you.your body will pay you back many times over the years.keep up the great work.
follow that schedule and then get back to me and let me know how it is going.

the very best
John DeHart
albuquerque new mexico

I told my mom if I could run in the mornings... she wouldnt let me because of my safety. I guess I should run only once a week for now... so could you help me with a new schedule? I might need a new schedule when it comes to next summer... so less time to do stuff with school and all... thankk you... i just did a 8 minute run... somehow i felt i couldnt run as fast as i thought (in my mind) that i could, like i shoudl be moving faster but my legs just wouldnt budge, the feeling of tiredness i get when i wake upin the morning... i was wearing my old gym shoes and i forgot to stretch. any stretching tips? those minute runs increase by 2 minutes once a month... i think i can only run on saturdays ><


michelle......with only one day to run.....I would do a run walk...10min easy 5min walk for 30min and work up to where you can do 1 hour 30min to 1 hour 45.you will eventually be able to do the running all the way but take it slow.as far as streching.go to the book store and get a book.bob andersons book is a good one.if you want once a month you can do a time trial for one mile....4 laps of the track....to gage your progress.
best to you michelle

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