Old knee injury prevent running?
2016/7/22 10:13:56
Hi, I think I injured my knee jumping down a flight of stairs years ago. It swelled up pretty badly afterwards, but being in my mid-20's, I figured it'd heal itself, tried to ignore it and never saw a doctor.
Now in my 30's, it makes a very audible sound whenever I flex it (sounds like bubble wrap being twisted or squished). It doesn't hurt, but I have always been paranoid of putting any extra weight on it, b/c I'm afraid I'll cause further damage. I really want (and need) to start running/exercising, as I know I can't rely on my genes alone to keep me in shape forever.
Should I not be paranoid? What can I do to help it "heal"; glucosamine-condroitin really help? I'm not interested in surgery...
Thanks for any tips!
dear yazminh
It sounds to me like chondromalacia which means a disintegration of the patella and femoral cartilage surfaces resulting in uneven rough gliding motion between these structures.there are two things i use to correct this which is strenthening the quaddracepts with leg extensions on a machine and the stationery bike with proper height ajustment.you should not be paranoid.It can be fixed without surgery.I had it myself years ago and corected my self because i could not find a doctor that could pin point the problem and offer a solution other than operate orthodics etc.my typeing skills are limited so if you want to call me i can give you a complete discription over the phone,,,,,at no charge.I just want to make sure you get thuis rehap right.you can find my phone number on my web site..at www.rentacoachinternational.com
the very best to you
John DeHart
albuquerque new mexico PS do call me it is important tha you get this right
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