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Training for the military.

2016/7/22 10:13:47

Hi Sarah I have few questions on some running tips.
I am joining the Marines and was wondering if you have any advice on how i should condition my self for them long hard runs. I currently run every other day for about 30 min. I also live in michigan so its really cold. So if you could give any advice i would really appreciate it Thank You.  Matt

Well Matt, the key is to build your running up steadily. Don't increase it too much at a time otherwise youll give yourself an injury. Try to increase your time running by 3-5 minutes per week. It depends how far you need/want to run really. This will increase your overall fitness levels.

My advice would also be to do some light weights training to build up your strength.

As for it being cold,just put some extra layers on. Try wearing leggings and a breathable jumper with a t shirt underneath. You'll soon warm up quickly when you are out running anyway. Good luck with joining the Marines!!

Happy jogging!!
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