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calf pain---HELP!

2016/7/22 10:13:44

Hi.  I am hoping you have some advice for me.  I have been a regular runner for 5 years, running mostly 20-25 km/week (trail and road).  This last Fall I ran two half marathons and found I loved the challenge of longer distances.  I began training in Jan for my first marathon scheduled for May 1st.  This last week (Tues)I ran 1 1/2h, approx 25km, over mixed surfaces.  (the run the week before that had been about the same time and terrain).  I felt great afterwards and also the next day but when I went to do a shorter 8k run the next day after that I began to have  right leg calf pain in my mid calf just below the 'divot' in my calf muscles (you know the sexy one we all strive for!).  It is a dull ache that can be sharp at times especially during push off in my stride.  I took that run easy, walking as needed, stretching frequently.  I then rested one day icing and stretching.  The next day I did my hill training day. Another rest day with ice and stretching.  Yesterday ran a 12k on mixed surfaces and had the same problem.  It hurts a little less but is still there.  I am terrified to miss training time as I feel conscious that time is limited.  What are your thoughts on the injury, on what I can do about it, and how it might impact my marathon training?  How irreparable will it be to miss my long run this week (this Tues)?  Will this mean I can't do the marathon in May?  Please say no!  I am going to do some swimming cross training tomorow and thought I might try some water running.  Is that too much?  What can I do to fix this.  I am so psyched about this marathon it would break my heart to cancel.  HELP!  Thanks, Peggy

Iwrote a long response to your situation and hit the wrong button and lost it.Since time is of the essence could you give me a call and i will cover every thing for you if thats ok.No charge for this call.If this is not ok i will put it in writting again.Let me know.
The very best to you

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