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Numbness in toe

2016/7/22 10:13:38

My 20 year old daughter has been doing a lot of walking all day to different castings for jobs in the past two months and although she says she usually wears her good running shoes, I suspect that many times she's worn inappropriate shoes instead to look ready for the audition.  She now has had numbness in her big toe for a few weeks and has a large callus on the bottom of the same toe.  Could the numbness be caused by the walking in the wrong shoes?  What should she do?
[email protected]

Dear susan
I really think your right on with wrong shoes dr. susan.The shoes are probably to tight with no room to spread.I would suggest talking to her to get a new pair if she wants to wear them for casting calls and make sure they are properly fitted.That will probably get rid of the numbness.Let me know how it works out susan.

The very best to you
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