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Regular running and ankle pain

2016/7/22 10:13:37

I currently run 12 km a day, 7 days a week, and have been doing so for about 3 months now (during the coldest part of the winter, I was only running about 7 km a day, and started that in December) Recently (for about a week or so now), I have been experinece some moderate ankle pain, not so bad that I can't physically run, but enough so that when I finish my runs I find that I do limp. I currently ice/elevate it after my runs. I would hate to have to give up my running, as it is part of my life, so do you have any suggestions as to how to help the ankle, and as to whether or not this is actually ok to run on?
Thanks so much!

Dear Rebecca
First if you can still run and want to I would recomend to cut back on the distance and pace for a while and give it a chance to heal.Keep up with the ice and elivation.

I would add 500mg of vit.C with your three meals a day.This is like gold for runners.Strengthen's conective tissue and cells and improves recovery.

Rebecca be patience cut back.This is part of being a runner.Think if you could not run.You will be ok if you just use good judgement.
If any other questions get in touch

the very best to you
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