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hip pain & running

2016/7/22 10:13:33

First, thanks for taking the time to read & answer my question.  

I started running in February and I think it has become a way of life for me.  I have lost about 13 pounds and I feel like I have come back from the dead!  I have run 2 5k's this summer and they were a wonderful experience.  However...I have been experiencing some hip pain discomfort during my runs (from 3-5 miles) and after.  I strongly suspect this may be from running on roads that are "crowned." I realize you are not a sports medicine specialist but apparently you have been involved in running for some time so I hope you can answer me this:  Should I continue to train normally while my hip muscles adapt to the road make-up?  BTW, I am a 40 year old male.

Thanks and have a great day!  

Dear Gary
Congratulations on your new way of life.It will be a fun journey enjoy.I started like you 28yrs.ago and also felt like i came back from the dead.
24 marathons and 400 to 500 other races of different lengths and still going strong 7 days a week.Keep up the great work Gary.Now to your situation.Yes i would continue to train but you have to select some new routes.I hope this is possible.Do you live out in the country.It can be a problem with those crowned roads.You can alternate sides which will help but you your hips don't adapt.Over time you just create more problems with imbalances in the core area and back.You should really try to find more even routes.The things you can do to help maintain is sit ups... back extentions...push ups.To enjoy a healthy running career you have to keep up the prevention exercises and streching program.Let me know about other running routes.You might even have to drive to them.I am just guessing on where you live to help you aliviate the problems.You have many years in front of you Gary.I hope this guides you a little better.If there is anything else just get in touch Gary.

To your continued success
and new way of life


DOWN BUT NOT OUT it is your choice what fork in the road you decide to take.it is at that moment you run head on into adversity and feel your dream slipping away that you have to rekindle the flame and reastablish your vision of victory in your heart and your mind in order to become the hero of your own success story..you must not think and talk about the problems that lie a head.you must focus on the solutions and stand tall in the difficult times in life and look beyond where you are now and SPEAK TO YOUR MOUNTAINS THAT LIE AHEAD.that is the only way to accomplish the impossible.hope is not a strategy.its the flight plan that you have filed and are comitted to that will take you in the direction to your destination with a safe landing.

                                            John DeHart

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