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non-motorized treadmill

2016/7/22 10:13:29

I am considering buying one of these,used.The price is right,and its light and compact.
What can I expect from this as compared to a motorized one? I am about 230 lbs,and although overweight I am in decent cardio shape and can go for an hour on a motorised treadmill at an easy jog.I am also hoping my kids will use it.Thanks

Hi barry
A non motorized treadmill will not be as smooth as a  motorized and probably jerky since you provide the momentun to drive the belt.I personally wouldn't touch it,but i would definitly give it a good test and see how it functions and i don't me ten minutes if you want to consider buying it.Also Barry your weight might effect even more.If they don't want you to take a long test drive,walk a way.Ask your self this last question.If these were a great buy,then how come we don't see a hole bunch in clubs and homes.You can also ask for a two week trial with money back,yet i don"t think they would go for it.Doesn't hurt to try.Anything else get in touch barry.

The very best to you

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