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Running and Nausea - Follow Up?

2016/7/22 10:13:21

So you are saying that it it is normal for me to be nauseous after running for just 3/4 of a mile? And working out more regularly will make this go away?

I wasn't aware that it was a common thing. I am in good shape besides this, I can ride my bike hardcore for hours, I just figured there might be somthing else wrong.

Followup To
Question -
Why does running make me nauseous? I used to be a great runner a couple years ago, able to run a mile in under 7 min. Now (I'm only 21) if I try to push myself as hard as I used to, I get nauseous after a few laps around the track and have to slow down.
If you can help me with this question, what can I do to fix the problem? I want to be able to run again...
Thanks in advance.
Answer -
You just have to get back to the basics and put together a consistent schedule and work yourself back up.

Best regards


I have no idea how hard your pushing that 3/4 of a mile,but it is very easy to feel nauseous if your just over the edge during the effort.And yes training will help.I would also work on your abs,which could be contributing to the problem.

Best regards

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