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Blue toe from running

2016/7/22 10:13:10

Hi John;

I've been running for a few months.  My middle toe is blue under the nail, is swollen and painful when I press on the nail.  I have since gotten new shoes with more room in the toe box.  This makes the toe hurt less when I run, but it still hurts.  How do I treat this?


Hi Ed
More than likley it will disipate on its own,but if you want to take immediate action to releave the presure You can puncture the nail.Sterilize a sharp needle or paper clip by heating it in a red hot flame and use it immediatly to melt the nail directly over the blood clot.The blood will squirt and presure will be relieved.You Then soak it in antibacterial solution.Then just keep an eye on it for any infection.Your nail will probably fall off in time and another will grow back.

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