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improvement and pain treatment

2016/7/22 10:13:05

Hello and thank you in advance!   I am 57. Started jogging some 5 years ago, not regularly but twice a week sometimes more, averagely for 60 -75 minutes.I live in Israel. In the summer I go out at 5.30 in the morning.. I enjoy the run. After running evrything hurts!  When i sit down for 10 minutes, I can hardly get up! Waking up in the morning, an ordeal! (I do stretch mildly which helps some). And my feet hurt. I tried several shoes. Balance, Saucony. All are equally good and I am greatful! but still, once I relax, I am as old as the oldest painstricken dog in town. Any advice to ease this? (am taking vitamins, calcium etc). Started spinning lessons recently. Its difficult and hilarious. Nothing hurts me while I am at it. Again, pain says hello as I get up from my first cup of coffee... Hope this is not terribly boring - thanks again for your time!and p.s. would love jogging for half marathon but failed to extend my time. Suggestions?

Hi adina
Very entertaining,not boring.You didn't mention your height weight.If that is not in line with the norm,it could be a factor.What i recomend adina is for you to treat this serious and get back to the basics and be more consistent.Here is a list.

1..look at your diet.
2..Train 5 days a week.
3..Start a weight program,
all body parts.
4..Take 500mg vit.c with your
3 meals a day.Like gold for athletes.
5..take epson salt baths
6..Develop a streching routine.
7..Drink a lot of water.
8..When was the last time you had
a blood work up.
9..Last...This condition did not happen overnight and is not going away right away.Your body is like a bank account and a business.If you keep making deposits and showing up everyday your going to WIN and enjoy a much higher quality of life.There is a great book called YOU the owners manual by to sharp doctors...Emmet oz who worked on bill clintons bypass.Great info with no spin or hype.We have a habit of forgeting the things in the past that got us to where we are today,and thats why i say get back to the basics and hit it once again.Hope this lays a a little plan for you adina.Let me know how your progressing.

To a new you

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