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Rookie Questions

2016/7/22 10:12:54

I抳e always been into fitness and running has always been apart of my staying fit.  Normally I weight train but will incorporate a few 2 to 3 mile jogging sessions here and there.  I抳e just been invited to participate a 10-mile run in Flint, MI at the Crim Festival.  It抯 in late August so I don抰 have a lot of time to get in shape so I was wondering if you could give me a crash course in training.  Here are some concerns:

1.   How many times per week should I train?
2.   How many times per day should I train?
3.   How many miles should I run per training sessions?
4.   Is there any specific gear you would recommend?
5.   Any other tips and tricks?

This is my first ever competitive run and though I抦 certain I won抰 cross the finish line first, I would like to perform well.

Thank you!

Hi Brian
Train by time not miles.I would go 4 days building up to 45 min easy and one of those days build up to 1 hour 45 minutes.Do not push the pace or you will get injured.The only thing you can do just starting out is build some endurance with the hopes of getting threw it confortable.Once a day is plenty and the only other thing would be to do some good streching after your runs paying close attention to calf,achilles tendon,low back,quads,hamstrings.Start taking 500mg of vit.c with your 3 meals a day.This is like gold for runners for many reasons.I no the race well and have had some of my top athletes run it.You will really enjoy the experience.

To your success

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