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Achilles Injury

2016/7/22 10:12:49

I am a 75 year old runner who normally runs three miles four or five days a week.  Last Saturday I developed a pain in the achilles tendon in the region of the right calf muscle.  I have been applying ice several times a day with some moderate relief but the pain persists.  What would you suggest?  Should I try moist heat instead?  Many thanks for your anticipated response.

Hi John
After you get your run going,i would stop and strech it for  3 to 4  minutes lightly after about 5 minutes and the calf muscle.Continue with this on all your runs untill pain goes away.Continue with the ice and start taking 500mg vit. c with your three meals a day.No moist heat,only ice.Most important....Be patient.It doesn't sound very serious but if not atended to it could progress.The vit c is like gold for runners.

Best to you John

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