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2016/7/22 10:12:45

Hi I'm Eden and I'm 17. This morning I went to volunteer at a 5k, and I LOVED the spirit and attitudes of everyone there. Theyre all so healthy and it must feel so accomplishing to finish a 5k, half marathon, or marathon. It motivated me to start training for a half marathon at Miami in the end of January. I already go to the gym occasionally and I just recently had a weight gain from work but I'm an average sized girl and I am healthy and avoid carbs (or try to at least). How do you think I should go about traning? As in, what approach should I take to dieting and exercising so I can be able to continually run the half marathon in January?

Hi Eden
The first thing i need from you is a complete detailed bio about you.Height, weight, past and present fitness and health history,how long have you been running,how much time can you devote to training(by hours and days)Before school ,after school,any injuries.physical limitations,where you train.climate,altitude.current condition of training shoes,what is you basic eating plan for 1 week,breakfast,lunch,dinner.Be specific and honest.

When you put this all together,i can respond properly Eden.You have to take this very seriously.

To your continued

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