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Asthma & Exercise

2016/7/22 10:12:42

Here's the problem.  I have had moderate to severe asthma since I was a child.  At one point doctors thought I had Cystic Fibrosis.  What are the highest calorie/fat burning exercises that won't trigger my asthma? Please help!

Hi Amanda
That would be a light walking jogging program.The key is to pay close attention to your pace and how your breathing responds.It is not about how fast to burn fat,it is how long you can keep going as your body adapt.You just have to listen to your body and when the trigger comes.Just go easy amanda,there is no rush.This can only help.Nobody has all the answers,but this is good stuff and it strenthens the heart, arterials,vascular and all energy systems.I would also get into a weight program to build muscle.Muscle is an active tissue and fat is just a strain on the hole system.This will give you a plan to work with.Let me know how it works for you.Just listen to your body as you move forward amanda.

The very best to you

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