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Runners knee/chondromalacia patellae and quads

2016/7/22 10:12:37

Hello.  I have had chondromalacia patellae for several months, orthopedic said to stay off it, but it didn't get better if anything my other knee(right) started grinding.  I don't really run, did alot before, but am trying to pack on muscle.  I weigh 150 @ 6ft.  I deadlift 245 (inc. by 5lb every 2 workouts about).  I want to work my quads b/c they are pathetic.   My left knee cracks alot when I go up and down staris, or put weight on it (like one legged squat).

I went to my orthopedic is this is what I got.  At the same clinic one doc said not to do leg press and do leg ext., the other said to do leg press above 90 angle and not extensions. Then I read online at the Univsirty of illions that leg press should be done LESS than 90.  

I would really like to sqaut but I know that will make it worse.  Doc said surgery would help ease the pain but would not solve the problem , he would bacially just go in and smooth out the rough edges of cartilage, hence no grinding.  I would be off for about 1 month for both knees.  What's your opinion, to strength quads?  Thanks alot.

Hi Aalap
First stay away from the knife.This can be corrected if your patient.Second i would stay away from squating untill you correct the chondro.first or you will have real problems.I copied a question from priviously answered questions on my site which will give you the cause and a prescription to take care of it.The key is patience and focus and not rush back.Everybodys time frame on the come back is different,and that is just the way it is.This program works if you give it time.Take a look at privously answered questions..Name client..scott lovel..He just sent me some updates yesterday on his great success results that he has been working.Get back to me if you have further questions on this.

To a successfull


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Scott Lovell Asks in Category Jogging & Running ...
Subject:  Knee soreness
Private:  no
Question:  Hi,
I am 30 years old and have never really had any knee problems.  I am very annoyed because I feel I have brought this on myself.  I run about 3 times a week, usually on a treadmill.  2 weeks ago I was doing some lunges with hand weights at the gym.  Admittingly I strained a little and had probaly used weights too heavy.  3 days later I had a run at the gym and after 20 mins my knee was really painful.  I iced it up that night and the following day and then it felt fine.  I have no soreness walking and none on a very hard workout on the stepper.  2 weeks later I had a light 5 min run and suffered no pain, then did a 30 min step with no pain and no sorenes the next day.  2 days later I did a fitness test, running 3.2km in 12 mins, then 2x100 meter sprints after it.  During this I felt no pain, but an hourr later I could feel the pain and its pretty sore again.  2 days since that, my k nee is feeling fine again.  Does it sound serious?  Have I just pushed it too quickly?  I'm seeing a physio in 3 days to be cautious.  The pain feels around my knee cap really - never suffered this before?
Answer:  Hi scott
Great discription of your situation.Thanks for that.Sure makes my job easier.You  have a slight case of chondro malacia.It isa disintegration of the patella and femoral cartilage surfaces,resulting in uneven rough gliding motion between these structures.Any disruption of the normal smooth gliding motion of this structure will result in cartilage damage.This is why your feeling where you do.Bottom line not serious but could be if you don't adress it now.Your knee tracks like a train on the railrod tracks,and it got out of the groves,jumped track do to some of those exercises you just did.
To fix this there are 2 things you need to do.First start riding an exercise bike for 30 to 40 min.3 to 4 times a week.Not a regular bike except for rec purposes.You want a med to high spin with med to hard tension.This will retrack the knee and also sand down the back of the knee cap and smooth it out and also strengthen quads.Second start doing leg extensions,curls,adductor,abdductor work.Thats it scott,cancel your physio save $$$.Your situation does sound miner since it goes away quickly so you should respond rapidly.I would continue with this routine as a way to stay ahead of the curve as they say.To stay active you have to incorporate prevention consistently or things will catch up with you,and that is a promise.Hope this gives you a plan to work with.Let me know how it is progressing and if you have any other questions.

To your success


You've already answered this question

Scott Lovell Asks in Category Jogging & Running ...
Subject:  Knee soreness
Private:  no
Question:  Hi,
I am 30 years old and have never really had any knee problems.  I am very annoyed because I feel I have brought this on myself.  I run about 3 times a week, usually on a treadmill.  2 weeks ago I was doing some lunges with hand weights at the gym.  Admittingly I strained a little and had probaly used weights too heavy.  3 days later I had a run at the gym and after 20 mins my knee was really painful.  I iced it up that night and the following day and then it felt fine.  I have no soreness walking and none on a very hard workout on the stepper.  2 weeks later I had a light 5 min run and suffered no pain, then did a 30 min step with no pain and no sorenes the next day.  2 days later I did a fitness test, running 3.2km in 12 mins, then 2x100 meter sprints after it.  During this I felt no pain, but an hourr later I could feel the pain and its pretty sore again.  2 days since that, my k nee is feeling fine again.  Does it sound serious?  Have I just pushed it too quickly?  I'm seeing a physio in 3 days to be cautious.  The pain feels around my knee cap really - never suffered this before?
Answer:  Hi scott
Great discription of your situation.Thanks for that.Sure makes my job easier.You  have a slight case of chondro malacia.It isa disintegration of the patella and femoral cartilage surfaces,resulting in uneven rough gliding motion between these structures.Any disruption of the normal smooth gliding motion of this structure will result in cartilage damage.This is why your feeling where you do.Bottom line not serious but could be if you don't adress it now.Your knee tracks like a train on the railrod tracks,and it got out of the groves,jumped track do to some of those exercises you just did.
To fix this there are 2 things you need to do.First start riding an exercise bike for 30 to 40 min.3 to 4 times a week.Not a regular bike except for rec purposes.You want a med to high spin with med to hard tension.This will retrack the knee and also sand down the back of the knee cap and smooth it out and also strengthen quads.Second start doing leg extensions,curls,adductor,abdductor work.Thats it scott,cancel your physio save $$$.Your situation does sound miner since it goes away quickly so you should respond rapidly.I would continue with this routine as a way to stay ahead of the curve as they say.To stay active you have to incorporate prevention consistently or things will catch up with you,and that is a promise.Hope this gives you a plan to work with.Let me know how it is progressing and if you have any other questions.

To your success


The update from scott

Subject: Knee Soreness

Just wanted to give you an update on the recovery.  Have refereed 2
full 90 minute football matches the previous 2 weekends in a row and had
no pain, swelling etc.  Plus last weekend, I did a 20 minute light run
on the Sunday (day after my 90 min football game), with no adverse
affects either.  I am really getting back to it.  

This weekend will be the test is I have 2 90 min football matches, one
on Saturday and one on Sunday.  Am keen to see how I feel.  I am
continuing with ice as a precaution anyway and doing the following: 30 min
ride at gym, 2-3 days per week, medium intensity, abductor exercises, leg
curls etc.  The full football season runs from now till April next
year, I'm looking at continuing the exercises you gave me for rehab (ie,
riding only, all other exercises you mentioned etc) and leaving my
running for obviously the weekend.  Does this all sound alright,

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