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need help

2016/7/22 10:12:27

need some help I am 37 had alot of operations in the past and worked for ups for 15 years driver for the past two years have been doing no physical work at all. need to do 1.5 mi. under 12.25 by dec 10 the first 1.5 I did was 19.08 it has been a 3 weeks droped it to 17. today 19. droped 15 lbs. becomming a police officer need to do that in 12 min. less food and more cal. I do not eat fast food at all. chicken,lean meat,deer,rabbit,some sweets not much.

I am useing the couch poato to 5k first two weeks ok today could not run over 1 min.today 1.5 was 18.32 what am I doing wrong is the time going down to slow.I have no muscle hurt before or after at all it is the lungs that are not expanding need help alot of it.


Hi John
You have seven weeks to go to build some strength.Not going to be easy but attainable.The time your shooting for is 8 minute pace.Here is a schedule you can use to build your strength.

I'm going to give you 3 days of hard stuff and the other 4 days east relaxed jogging for 30 to 40 minutes for recovery only.Take 2 days between hard stuff.Warm up real good before hard stuff.
Monday...4x800 meters with 200m recovery walk
Thursday.2x1200 meters with 200m recovery walk
Sunday...3200 meters hard steady effort
Do this for the next 4 weeks and then do a 1.5 time trial and let me know how you did.This is your only option to building strength so close to your test.Any questions get in touch.

The very best

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