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knee trouble going downhill only

2016/7/22 10:12:07

I am 60 years old and have slowly (about 8 months) worked up to a slow jog.   I jog 5 miles every other day and 2 1/2 miles every other day with a rest on the seventh day.

I have been having trouble only going downhill with the knee feeling like it is giving out in a buckling motion.  The pain is primarily in the patella region.  Absolutely no problems on flat ground or hills, even going down a very slight grade will cause problems.  What should I do.  I really am enjoying jogging and want to continue.


Downhill running causes extra pounding on the body as  you have gravity coming into play. My guess is that the extra pounding is too much for your bones. At your age, bine density slowly deteriorates. Try to run on flat surfaces and ice afterwards if anything bothers you. Exercise is very good for you at your age. Hope this helps.
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