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running and heartburn

2016/7/22 10:11:49

Hi, my question to you is why do I get heartburn while I am running?  I don't eat or drink anything a full hour before I start my run. It drives me crazy.  

Hi Dawn
It is not so much what you eat before,as it is to your regular diet.I remember years ago i had some untill i straightened my diet out.Meat products are real rough.I found a little piece for you with some little science.Most problems in running of any kind usually are when people are starting up or coming back to running.Any other questions,just get in touch.

All the best


Q. I get heartburn when I run. It this unusual? What causes it? What can I do about the problem?

A. Heartburn before or after running (and other exercise) is common, particularly after a hard workout. Heartburn, of course, has little to do with the heart. It happens when gastric juice escapes from the stomach into the esophagus (the tube connecting mouth to stomach), and this results in a burning sensation in the chest.

Runners' heartburn appears to be associated with: a slower emptying of foods and liquids from the stomach caused by the activity; the bouncing of the stomach while running; and with the individual make-up of the gastric juice in the stomach.

There are a number of things that may help. The most obvious is to eat easily digestible meals, and do this at least two hours prior to a run. Before and during your run, drink cold low sodium, low potassium, high-carbohydrate beverages, such as "Gatorade" or "Exceed". Sodium and potassium slow stomach emptying. And generally limit your consumption of fatty foods, caffeine, carbonated drinks, mints, chocolate, and citrus juice, all of which tend to aggravate the problem.

If this doesn't work, medication may. Some runners get relief from H2 (histamine) antagonists taken before exercise. These are available by prescription only. Antacids on the other hand are not recommended during exercise. They can cause cramping and diarrhea when taken in large amounts. Finally, discuss all this with your doctor to be sure that your symptoms are not a sign of a stomach ulcer or some other medical problem.

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