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10K times

2016/7/22 10:11:40

John --

I'm a 39 year old male.  I've been running since July.  In the three years before that I lost 50 pounds swimming and using an elliptical machine like crazy.  I now run 10K three times per week and do other exercise a couple of days per week.  I strength train two or three times per week as well.  I also take two days (usually the weekend) off per week.  

Well I'm thinking about running a 10K competitively and I'm noticing that my 10K times are starting to fall off.  My best time is 51:23 but now I'm having trouble running 10K in under 52:30.  I don't have high aspirations I'd just like to find a way to run 10K in around 48 minutes.  Any suggestions?  Should I begin to interval train one day per week?


Tom Spencer

Hi Tom
You hit the nail on the head tom.The body gets very lazy with the same old workouts.For progress you have to keep changing the stimulation of the musculature and energy systems.You don't have to go crazy,just start adding some 200,400,800,1200 with some short rest of between 45sec for 200's to 1 min to 400,800,and 2 min. to 1200's.I would also add an over distance run once a week of 1hr 30 with short 1min pick ups during the run.As you implement these changes you will see your times drop fast.Just be patient and consistent and it will happen as your body adapts to the overload.

All the best Tom

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