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need to get in shape

2016/7/22 10:11:34

hello and thank you in advance for your help.  i am 16 and i would like to get in shape.  i am 5'11 and 175 lbs.  i need to lose some weight and i am hoping that jogging will help.  i can run a mile under 6:30.  i used to play soccer a lot so running is not new. but my question is.........
is there a rule of thumb on how much you lose weight by running a certain amount of time?  how about if i run a mile everday?  how long should i wait to see some change?  thank you so much for your time and effort.  

Losing weight takes 2 things: exercise and restricted diet.  You can't each as much as your body normally needs.  For your age, you'd need about 1800 calories a day just to maintain your weight (175 pounds x 10 =1750 cals, 1800 used as a 'ballpark' number).  Since you are still growing at your age, I'm sure its around 1800-2000 cals a day that you'd need.  You burn approximately 135-140 calories per mile for your bodyweight.  I know this because I'm 180 and I burn 140 cals/mile at my weight.  So, I would guess its the same for your build/weight.  You can check out http://exrx.net for some running calculators, as well as at runnersworld.com, too. There might be some calorie counting things to help you out.

Rick Karboviak
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