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foot ligament pain

2016/7/22 10:11:28


I used to be a skateboarder in my youth to the detriment of my ankles. Re-ocurring ankle sprains have left my left foot suseptible to sprains and ligament pain (and the foot also hangs inward and down slightly when hanging at rest). I've always ran but recently I've increased my milage from 4-5 up to 9-10 mile runs and this has brought about pain about the outside of my foot and consequently a tight calf muscle when running (both foot and calf aching for days after each run). I've bought some decent asics for further support but the question is am I just permanently damaged, can I train through it or is there something I can do to repair the foot - any advice would be much appreciated? I'm 30 years old if that makes any difference!!??

Hi Jackson
You are not permanently damaged,you have to take your situation very seriously  and do some alernative rehap for your ankle and supporting tissues and ligaments and tendons.You should keep your milaege low and at a very relaxed pace.Stay of hills.You have many years in front of you jackson, so precede with patience and caution in the rehap.If you have any other questions just get in touch.

All the best

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