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Running: Pain from the buttock to leg

2016/7/22 10:11:28


I am overweight and I recently started exercising (started 3 weeks Back). I run for 30 Mins and Cycle for 30 Mins in the GYM. I have recently started feeling little pain from the buttock to leg on the right side. It usually happens when I bend on the right side (with knees straight) by putting pressure on my right leg. what could be the reason.

Further some 1 year back, the doctor had diagnosed slip disk in my back, which was causing  little pain in the left leg. The back pain and associated leg pain went off in couple of months.

However this time there is no pain in the back but only in buttok (right). Is it possible that both the pains are connected and I am having another slip disk.

Please advise.


Hi Anish
I really don't think so.When you start a program you will from time to time experience some discomfort in different area's.What i would do anish is incorporate a regular light streching program on all muscle groupes after your workouts.This will keep you ahead of any on coming problems.I would also add ab work and back extentions for your back.The most important thing in starting a program is a lot of patience and being consistent.

All the best

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