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2016/7/22 10:11:20

Hi, I'm 14 and going to be a sophomore in high school this coming school year.

When I was younger, I was on my elementary schools "running team" for both sprinting and long distance. I loved it, and did very well.

However, I just stopped when I got to intermediate school for social reasons, and kind of just quit running in general.
I feel I've let myself go. I'm out of shape, and I've put on a fair few pounds, and I miss it.

I would love to be able to do Indoor Spring Track at my high school this year, but I really need to get my act together first and get back into shape.

When I was younger I was just running all the time. Like, I ran everywhere, and when i got bored, I'd go out and run. Plus I was a lot more active playing tag and the like.

I recently started running in the early morning, short distances at a relatively slow pace because thats all i can do. About a third of a mile each time.
I really need to get this up.
Do you have any tips (including diet, nutrition tips if you have them. I probably need to lose some weight) so I might even be able to MAKE a competative high school track team, let alone do fairly ok?

Thank you

Hi Nay
There is no magic to coming back,just a lot of patience and consistecy on a daily basis.No magic diet,just good balance of protein,carbs and good fats and no junk.It just takes time nay.Don't rush it or you will get injured.If you have other questions just get in touch.

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