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Just a few queries

2016/7/22 10:11:05

Hello there,
Just a few questions I have concerning my jogging.I started running about a month and a half ago, I also combine this with weekly weight training sessions to improve muscle tone. On average I can run about 6 miles in an hour and most of my runs are normally 40-60 mins.I am 5"2 and 112 pounds and 28.
1.My abs seem to ache after jogging, is it true that jogging helps tone the abs ? is this why they ache the day after?
2.About one to two hours after my jogging I become extremley bloated to the point where it becomes very uncomfortable, this only seems to happen after my longer runs (60 min runs)my diet has not changed , could this be due to taking in a lot of air whilst running? I breath through my nose and out through the mouth? I know it sounds silly but I cant think of any other reason.
3.What is the best way to improve my time/speed?I have found that I have taken to running very quickly and I could run quite far as soon as I started , I think this down to me being quite fit anyway. I really want to push myself a little harder but dont want to injure myself in the process, what is the most effective way to improve your speed when running? My routes vary quite a bit with a few hills to get my heart rate up, should I incorporate a few more hills to get my cardio vascular strength up???
4.My knees can be quite tender the day after jogging, but this goes away quite quickly and does not bother me all the time. I currently jog about 3 times a week 40-60 mins,and on the other days do a minimum of 30 min weight training/cardio boxing, would it be ok to start jogging every day, or would this overload my body?Is it best to stick to my current routine of exercising 6 times a week with a mixture of jogging and weight training?

Sorry for going on a bit

Many Thanks for your time  


Sorry about the delay. Your question was a longer one, and I initially put it aside. Unfortunately it then got mixed with many answered ones in my AllExperts box. I only just noticed it now.

1)Running definiely helps make abs strong, and they can be why they ache after running. They are used the whole run.

2)You should be breathing in and out through your mouth. Breathing through your nose limits the amount of oxygen you will take in.
3)You should first build a strong base of long slower miles for a few months and then start incorporating hills, and interval type workouts focusing on strength and finaly speed type workouts when you are ready to peak.
4) You can definitely run everyday of the week. A few days should be harder workouts and a few easy, slow miles.The body can handle an amazing amount of stress if done properly. For weights, lift light weights many times for tone and long thin muscles.

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