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lower abdominal pan while running

2016/7/22 10:11:01

Hi, I noticed a post about a similar problem as mine and wanted some information as well. For the past two to three months, i have been regularly exercising and using the elliptical machine to run/jog. For about two months, I would run 3 miles for close to 6 days a week. Recently, about two weeks ago, I began to run 4 miles a day on the elliptical. I experienced on two different occassions within the past few days a lower abdominal pain similar to a menstrual cramp. It will occur about a little after a mile into the run and I have to slow down a great deal to wait for the pain to go away. I'm a little worried because I haven't changed my diet or exercise, I regularly do ab workouts as well. Thanks.

Hi Lisa
A lot of problems that crop up for runners from time to time who have not been at it for very long are directly related to the bodies musculature slowly but surely adapting to the overload process,including the energy systems.I remember those days very vividly.Even my eye balls ached,Just kidding.Just trying to make a point that it takes time,and everybody is different.It is quite normal as we progress with our new program that we continue to push our selfs harder in many activities with out realizing it.You have to find the right balance with not going over the edge to often otherwise strains and assorted injuries start showing up.Running places a very solid strain on the abs and everything stretches beyond the norm.I remember that my self after pushing intervals years ago.I would double over in discomfort......I reccomend you just go a little easy for a while and not push to hard and monitor it and then get back to me and let me know the results.I think you will be find.I hope i have explained it in a way that you can understand.Puting thoughts into an email is not easy for me.I do most of my coaching over the phone around the world.
Any other questions just get in touch.

All the best

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