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Dry heaving/Gagging/Coughing during daily run

2016/7/22 10:10:55

Hi I am 26yr old female who has been running daily or every other day for about 9 years with few interuptions.  I weigh 113 presently and am 5'5 feet tall(my weight has never fluctuated).  I try not to eat much before a run besides a light breakfast and I always wait a good amount of time before I set of so I think the gagging is most likely not due to my diet, although I can not run on a completely empty stomach either and I always drink a lot of water throughout the entire day.
As I stated I've been running for a good portion of my life and I have had asthma since the age of 5 and is really only aggravated for the most part by second hand smoke.

For the past couple of months towards the end of all my jogs when I'm only slightly pushing myself to get that last stretch of my run in I start to cough and gag and dry heave so uncontrollably that I have to stop and walk.  This is completely out of the ordinary for me, I've pushed myself many times in the past to improve my distance and what not and have never experienced anything like this.

Hi Regina
I have answered questions like this before which you can find in my questions answered area,but yours seems a little different considering your experience.Certain foods will defintly have an effect as to the time before run.I don't have a solid answer for this one regina without going into a lot of detail of your running diet and effort level leading up to your last part of the run.Problem is this email would stretch on.I could do it by phone if you want to call.505 271 5909.I would recomend google your situation for ideas and look at my previous answered questions.

All the best

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