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New to Jogging

2016/7/22 10:10:45

Hi John, My name is Sarah and I'm 26, (5'7,173 lbs). I started jogging a few weeks ago, both to lose weight and to just feel healthier in general. I was never a good runner and so didn't know what to expect.  I go out for about 30 min. about 5 days a week (althought I'm trying for everyday).  I alternate between jogging and walking briskly.  I'm finding that the front of my legs are hurting, it's not so much the muscles as much as the bones. The fronts of my legs feel almost bruised in spots.  I don't know if that's normal and will go away as my body gets used to doing something it hasn't really done before.  The last time I went out, I also experienced cramping in my toes, I thought that was strange and thought I would ask about it as well, while I'm here.  :)   Thanks so much for your time.  (Any other advice you could give to a beginner would also be greatly appreciated as I don't really know what I'm doing).  :)

Hi Sarah
The hurting in the front of your legs is shin splints and is normal for some one just starting from time to time.What you want do do is ice them as often as you can after your run and other times to reduce inflamation.Do not take and meds for this since it just mask the situation.You can also start taking 500mg vit c to enhance recovery of tendons,tissues,cells with your 3 meals a day.The cramping is also normal.Your body has to take time to adapt and it will and at all levels as you move forward.The very very most important thing to keep in mind sarah is to have a great great deal of patience and be consistent with your program which i agree totally with your approach.I started the same way my self years ago so keep on trucking.If you have any questions at any time just scream loud and get in touch.

All the very best


When you have a dream in your heart and a vision of victory sarah you can live and be the hero of your own success story.The wide doors of opportunity will open for you and are waiting for your entrance. like with any journey you will encounter some adversity and is at this moment you must stand tall in these difficult times in life and focus beyond where you are now.Don't talk about the problems.you must consentrate on the solutions and speak to the mountains which lie ahead.You must have the courage to be creative and dare to do what you have never done before.This is the only way to accomplish the impossible.Keep your eyes fixed on the path to the top but don't forget to look in front of you.the last step depends on the first.

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