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Weight Gaining.

2016/7/22 10:10:44

I am trying to start gaining weight and heard that Creatine my help me. I was wondering if you had to go workout at a gym or if I could go joggina dn eat right and it have the same result. Im 6'1 and weigh 145lbs and I am just wanting to gain some weight. I would much rather jog than go to the gym so I was just wanting to know if its possible to gain weight and jog in stead of going to the gym.


Hi Brandon
The only weight you want to put on is muscle weight,which is done with overloading the musculature and eating good quality balanced diet.I don't know how much you eat or the quality of your diet so i can't comment on that.You can gain weight just running,but your diet has to be right.With the gym you know your overloading.I suggest 2 to 3 days weights and you can run every day if you want.Just put a schedule together that works for you.I do not reccomend you get involed with creatine.If you have other questions just get in touch.

All the best

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