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RE: breathing

2016/7/22 10:10:35

Hi John.  Ok, you need a quick bio on me, so here it is...
My marathon in January 13th.  This is my 2nd week of training.  I'm running 5 days a week (5 miles for my short run 4 days a week and 1 long run - today it will be 14 miles).  I plan on increasing the distance on my long run 1 mile per week.  I weight train 2 days per week.  I've been running since last March and completed my first half marathon in August - it was a great experience.  As for my diet...I'm eating 5 times a day.  
breakfast - Kashi cereal, turkey bacon
am snack - Edge protein drink (17 g protein)
lunch - chicken/turkey/fish or beef with 2 veggies
pm snack - 15 unsalted peanuts
dinner - the same as lunch
I did not have any breathing problems during my half marathon so I'm at a loss.  During my run, I feel as if my body wants to run faster and I've been doing that.  My muscles aren't sore and I'm able to complete the run without difficulty except now my breathing seems to be off. FYI - I've also lost 47 pounds since March and would like to lose about 12 more....I am 5ft 11 inches, weighting 147 pounds.  Any guidance you can provide will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

Hi Carly
Your diet looks fine,but i would knock off the weight training till after the marathon.Your body can only take so much and probably effecting your energy and breathing for lack of recovery of musculature.Add a few more easy miles.Also on your runs just try to stay in the comfortable range.If your breathing heavy slow dow till it goes away.Your probably trying to push to hard.You don't need a lot of speed for the marathon.You need endurance and the strength to maintain even pace all 26.2.Replace the weights with a mid week long run,but go easy and relaxed.As i have said before your body is still adapting to your new found pleasure.

All the best

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