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Shoulder Stitch when running/Sore arch of foot

2016/7/22 10:10:31

Firstly, thank you for the service you provide. I came to this site to find advice re hip pain, & will be taking on board the suggestions you have left for others regarding this. I thought my running days were over, but now feel alot more confident that I will get on top of this. Running has changed my life & I really didn't want to give it up.
I was running around 8 kms daily a few months back. I worked up to this very gradually. However, I was getting pains in the arch of my left foot (though not severe), and hip pains (right side). I am looking forward to following your suggestions re hip pain, but can you advise what I can do about the foot-arch pain. (I do have low arches). My shoes are probably due to be replaced, but the arch pain was there when they were new too.
Also, when I am running I sometimes get a 'stitch' feeling in my shoulder. It is not severe either - just a bit of a nuisance. It only lasts a few minutes or so. Could this be due to my breathing or something? I haven't ran as much over the past couple of months - only a couple of times a week really - due to thinking that running wasn't for me anymore with all these little hassles. I'm not sure whether I had the shoulder pain when I was at my fitest - I can't really remember. Could it be due to lack of fitness?
Looking forward to hearing from you,
All the best, Catherine

Hi Catherine
The only thing i can think of is fallen arch.I personally think it just has not adapted to your level of fitness yet and will in time.I would alternate your distance and maybe some stationary bike till it is gone.You should ice it often especially after your run,and also start taking 500mg vit c with your 3 meals a day to enhance recovery of tendons,tissues,cell structure..Now to your shoulder....Pretty sure it is just a pinch of a tendon.Start doing some shoulder rotations,circular,stretches.I'm sure it will work it self out quickly.Any other questions just get in touch Catherine.

All the best

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