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2016/7/22 10:09:58

I have been running on my treadmill fot the last month,in a cheap pair of Walmart Starter brand runners.
I decided to get serious and went to a store that specialised in running apparell. The clerk spent a long time watching me walk-she even put me on a treadmill,and after trying on a couple shoes that she said were best fitted for my feet I got a pair of New Basics.
Yesterday I went for my first jog outside wearing them..
They felt great and I felt like I was running faster.Didnt have the usual sore feet after an hour either.
BUT-I got pains in my shins,on the outside of the shinbones?
Never had these before.
Is this my muscles reacting to the new shoes>
Other than that its all good.

I can't diagnose pain through this, nor could I in a face-to-face visit.  My only guess is that since the shoes are still relatively new, perhaps your feet need time adjusting to them. Usually shin pain is caused by the foot not landing properly, and with a new pair of shoes, there are different, tiny adjustments that your body must make to the new 'environment' that your feet are in.  Compared to a well used, broken-in shoe, a newer shoe will have more support in some areas, or seem 'higher' or 'lower' than your previous pair.  Also, the new shoes stiffness will take time to adjust & break in.  

It is funny you mention the Wal-Mart Starter brand, because of all the shoes I've ran in, the one kind I got there last fall was the best running shoe I've ran in at first.  It was an all-white shoe, with a real 'cushy' support on the entire sole.  It was firm, but very cushion-like and supportive at once.  I ran in them with some arch supports for my feet, and the shoes felt great right out of the box.  I ran 3-4 miles I think on my 2nd day I got them, with no issues (and it was right in the middle of cross-country season for me as a coach).  I'm not saying its the right kind for everyone, it was just the right kind for me that I needed.  My next trip, I'm buying another pair if they still have them.  That's half the troubles with shoes nowadays.  If you get a good pair, by the time you need another set, chances are your shoe will be off the market and replaced by another fancier-looking model or replacement style.  Some companies have kept the same formats & styles at least, only changing color schemes throughout the years.  A running specialty store would have a better idea of what type of shoe is going to last on the market for a while.

I hope that helps you well,
Rick Karboviak
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