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stomach pain

2016/7/22 10:09:55

Hi John

I have what seems like the same problem as Sue's daughter (message posted beginning March).  I'd say about 30% of the times I go running I get what feels like menstrual pain.  I cannot run though it as it doesn't go away.  When I finish the pain often gets worse and then I feel sick and sometimes get diarrhoea.  When this does happen the pain starts almost immediately when I start running and I know therefore that I will not be able to run for more than about 1 mile. Any ideas?

Hi Rebecca
I'm not an expert on womens problems,but over the years i have made some good in roads.Can you give me some more information on your present running history and past such as miles per week,how long you have been running,height,weight,age,diet.Get me this info so i can make a better informed decision.The one thing for sure that i do know is the fitter you are the less problems you have to confront.Looking forward to your return response Rebecca.

All the very best

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