Jogging pain; continued
2016/7/22 10:09:45
Hello, you answered a question on the 4/19/2006 Subject: "jogging sickness" that caught my attention since it seems that no one still has an answer to the question.
I suffer from the same thing the two women that asked and added to that question did, and after some research it seems that there are many more like us online wondering the same thing.
What is it that causes us girls to develop serious stomach pains (like bad menstrual cramps and labor pains) with nausea and the acute feeling of needing a B/M while jogging within seven days of beginning menstruation? Not during, not after, but only the week before?
I have, on occasion, had to lie down on the track in a fetal position for a few minutes to make the pain dissipate. Before I figured out that it was only during those seven days I was terrified of jogging on my own in case it got worse. I tried changing eating habits, drinking/not drinking electrolyte/water and warming up for longer - but it has no effect.
Please help us girls figure this one out,
kind regards.
Hi Erika
I'm afraid i really can't come up with a specific cause of the situation.What i would recommend is contacting some of the many running clubs around the usa and other parts of the world if you are not from usa.You can start with the one i founded in 1983 And the largest in the world.
I think you would get some great quality answers.Sorry i can't be of more help.There is not much that gets by me.If you have any other questions just get in touch Erika.Also you might contact emet oz co author of the book YOU and is a regular on oprah.He is also a runner and run a few marathons and head surgegen who operated on clintons by pass surgery.he has a website called
All the very best
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