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running in dry, hot weather; after diet

2016/7/22 10:09:04

Dear Wendy,
I am not much of an athlete, but I have been running for two 1/2 years. I
completed a 10-day detox two days ago because of recent weight gain and
bad eating habits from stress, but now I am winded after running two miles.
In June, I ran a half-marathon. I am running in dry, hot San Diego. Do I have
anything to worry about, and what can I do to get back on track? I would
appreciate any guidance.
Thank you very much,

Hi, Natalie

After finishing a detox, you will want to ease back into your physical activity.

So, make your runs shorter and easier as you transition back to a full, balanced diet.

You should be fine after a couple of weeks, but make absolutely sure that you stay hydrated and cool while you run.  So, if possible, run in the morning or in the evening.

I hope that helps you.  Just take it easy.
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