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Long distance ease of recovery

2016/7/22 10:08:50

Dear Rick,

         My background is in walking and Kayaking, long distance. I will be joining the army and have been working on long distance running. Basically, I'm running (jogging really) about 25 - 30 miles, once a week, taking about 4 - 5 hours and shorter distances for about half an hour 5 times a week. I've found that the day after the long run, even after stretching my recovery takes a long time.

I have a lot of difficulty bending my legs, and get "heavy legs". I also feel strain across my shoulders (muscular pain), and my stomach feels stretched. I release that there no way of really negating this, but I would like to ask, what in your opinion are the best ways to ease the pain and speed recovery.

Thank you,


I think you may be running more than you need to for the Army.  Doing a marathon's distance alone each week can be torture on the body.  The typical military running tests are only 1.5 to 3 miles long, so there is no need to really go much farther than that for training.  I would stick to just your shorter runs for 4-5 times a week and omit the super-long run of 25-30 miles.  It takes a long time to fully recover from such a long distance run, and this is probably why you are having issues with your legs & overall sore body.

Rick Karboviak
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