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run time

2016/7/22 10:08:48


My 2 mile run time currently @ 5,000 feet is 21:50 I need to be @ 19min flat.  How much time should I expect to drop off the run time @ sea level?  I won't be able to run sea lvl prior to this because as soon as i arrive @ Army base in San Antonio they have you do the PT test!


So you are two minutes away now. I think you'll be able to drop off at least a minute, although I don't have alot of experience with altitude training. It looks good for you though. Running for something you need to like a race, or in your case, 19 minutes for the army, is alot different than training. In training it is very difficult to try as hard. I think two minutes less than your training time, you can achieve that. Just rest while staying in shape a couple of days before the race, and keep your pacing in your mind in the trial. 9:30 per mile. And if you lose 10 or 20 seconds during the first mile, and you get something like 9:50, take that in mind because you'll be able to make up that time with a long sprint at the end of your second mile. If you feel like you can't go any faster when you need to make up time, try increasing your stride length. It doesn't hurt like an out of breath hurt, it only hurts your legs more. It can be a real life saver if you need it and you try it.
Good luck, it sounds like you are ready for it.
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