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My first 5K

2016/7/22 10:08:37

QUESTION: Hello.  I am set to run in my first 5K in 6 weeks.  Yes, I have been training for this.  

My question is....I not only want to finish, but have an acceptable finishing time.  Bearing in mind that I am 53 years old and this is my first 5K.....what do you think an acceptable finish time would be?

I guess the best way to answer this not knowing your height weight how long you have been running is to give you some general times of women in your age group.

1st..Joan benoit samuelson age 52 runs in the low to mid 17.Elite level and is also a friend of mine.
2nd..nationally ranked women in the high 17 to 18-19
3rd..regular every day dedicated serious exceptional runners who race often 23 to 25
Gail.. I would say if you could finish in the area of 28 to 29:30 it would a very good competitive and acceptable effort.please bear in mind that your past training and genetics plays a very big roll in the final say.I hope this gives you some idea as a basis for some future focus and many more miles of enjoyment.Would love to know how you do if you have time.

All the very best


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

I was deleting my old emails and found this question that I posted and you answered very thoughtfully.  Anyway, I thought I would let you know that I did INDEED finish my first 5K with a time of 32:06.  I was a little disappointed and know that I could have done a little better.  I did "place" myself at my appropriate level (11-13 minute/mile), for the start.  However, many did not so it was really aggravating trying to weave around people.  And, being that there were 2,000 people at this race, I spent at least a minute of my time going back and forth trying to pass instead of going FORWARD!  Anyway, with just starting to run (at age 53) I was proud of myself and now I am hooked!!  I am going to do other 5K's around my local area this summer.  Then, I want to move on to try to do a 10K back in Florida in October.  So, that's it!  Thanks for your help in answering my question.  


This is one of the greatest emails i have received that you made it happen.Congratulations on your success.Gail let me tell you from personal experience because i'm your age,your age has no future.YOU decide your future and what you want to become and where you want to travel and land.I hope you enjoy your journey and stay in touch.You deserve to have what you train for PERIOD?

To your continued success
GAIL...GO for it and ENJOY


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

I hope you don't mind another question from me.  You were so kind to answer the other ones.  First off...GOOD NEWS!  I raced my second (ever!) 5K last Saturday and I won my age group (Female 50-59) with a time of 29:49!  I was so happy, but also a little disappointed as I had to stop TWICE and walk for about 15 seconds.  So....that leads me to my question(s).  I have only run/trained on the treadmill (except for the short time I was in Florida), so I am having trouble adjusting to running outside!  I can do 3.1 miles on the treadmill...no problem, but when the race came I was already pooped at the 1.5 mile mark.  I know I took off way too fast and I need to work on keeping a better pace.  Also, I have still be doing a 1-hour personal training x 3 week along with a cardio class and 2 other weightlifting classes a week.

I guess my questions are:
(1) How to make a transition from treadmill running to outdoor running?  Is there even a "good way" or simply just push myself?
(2)  Since I have so many 5K's lined up (3 more in a row), should I focus on simply running and cut out my other "gym work."  Perhaps I am using up all of my stamina in the gym?  

Thank you, John

Hi Gail
Congratulations, and i'm so happy to hear your hooked.If you want to maximize your running then i would get outside and drop the gym work.You can always go back to the gym if you want a break.I do phone coaching all over the usa and abroad if you want to take your running to a higher level.Just go to my web site for contact info.You will get used to running outside over time so don't worry Gail.

All the best to you

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