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Vomiting and Aching Legs During Jogging

2016/7/22 10:08:36

Dear Rick

I have been lightly jogging to lose weight for 3 weeks now.  When i jog in the mornings before my day starts, I always take a bottle of water with me (500ml) and have a sugar boost before I go (Raisins).  However, the last few days, Ive been vomiting/wretching with a sore stomach and have tired achy legs.

Because I am dieting as well, could this be due to increasing metabolism and not eating enough carbs and energy foods to compensate.

Kind Regards

I think you may not be getting enough sugars via the raisins to get you 'jumpstarted' for your morning jogs.  Some people can run okay on an empty stomach, others need some fast-acting sugars, like a sports drink, to get a quicker start to the run.  

Your dieting could also be affecting things if you aren't eating enough during each day, and then by waking up with an empty stomach and depleted carbohydrate stores, your body could go into a flight/fight response with the vomiting from your run.  So, I recommend at least trying perhaps 10-12 oz of Gatorade in the mornings.  Wait about 15-20 minutes to allow time for a more complete digestion.  Sometimes it may take longer, but by keeping the carbs in liquid form, you're aiming at a faster absorption time.  There is too much fiber & solid-ness with the raisins you've been eating to get a fast digestion time before your runs.  The raisins aren't fully digested during your runs, and this could also cause some stomach upset, as the blood from your stomach gets 'shunted' away to get to the muscles, since they need more blood to do their work during your workout.  

I hope this explains things well.

Rick Karboviak
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