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Run Times

2016/7/22 10:08:31

Hi Jared,

I am 14 years old right now and I'm turning 15 in October. I'm playing in a state carnival for soccer in about 2 months and I was wondering if you could give me some advice on how to improve my stamina.

A few days ago I went on a 2.5km run (1.553 miles). I gave it my all and ran a time of 8 minutes, ten seconds. Is this good?
Before I ran i had an hour of cricket training. Would this affect my time if I hadn't have done it? Taking that into consideration does it make my time better?

Hope you can help, Justin

It's very possible that the hour of cricket that you dod helped your time. Usually people thing that it only gets you tired, but it actaully loosens your body and lowers your heart rate. Your body was warmed up and efficient when you ran this.

Eight minutes, that is awesome! You've got stamina. Unless you want to start serious training, just keep in shape. Run 3 or 3.5 k's a couple times per week, and take one of the days to do longer distance at a slower pace, like an easy 7 or 8km or so. If you start getting too tired, run only one of those 3k's per week.
Just stay in shape with the distance, and with little work you can start improving your endurance, while keeping that 2.5km speed in your system.
Good Luck,
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