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running issues

2016/7/22 10:08:16

I started running when I was 20 years old and have run from 15 - 30 miles a week for the last 25 years.  I guess I am in menopause now at 45 and feel really, really bad when I run.  My 5k times are off about two minutes.  I work out 6 days a week for an hour a day and alternate kickboxing, weight-lifting and yoga with the running, which is down to about two days a week ( about 4 miles at a time.  My tolerance for other exercise is very good and I don't know what has happened with the running.  I am pretty muscular and it seems I have actually built more muscle (believe it or not) in the last couple of years.  I used to compete in races all the time - 5k, 10k, half-marathons but now I feel so horrible when I run, fatigued, slow, decreased turnover etc. and my body gives out before my lungs.  What has happened to me?  Please help!

I'm not sure what is all happening with your body, as I imagine it could be menopause-related, if the hormones in your body are all acting up & causing such sluggish reactions to your exercise.  I don't know what to really tell you here, as I'm not an expert in this kind of area.

Rick Karboviak
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