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10 year old jogging

2016/7/22 10:08:10

Hi, i'm 29 and have been jogging now for around 6 months and can clear 10km my 10 year old daughter has recently decided she'd like to do it with me and is doing really well. She can make 5km but is really struggling to get any further. Is there anyway she can push herself and is this safe for her as the marathon she want's to do is 10km. Thank you

Hi April
It is fine for her to work up to the 10k,but she should just run at a pace that she feels real comfortable when she is training.The bodies muscular skeleton and energy systems will adapt over time and at that age you just want to let the training come to here and not chase it .There is plenty of time to get more serious and you just don't want to rush it and end up with all kinds of injuries at this stage April.Was watching the london marathon at 2am this morning and a few of my elite athlete friends placed quite high in the womens division.2nd.8th,11th.Looks like you had a beautiful day there.

All the best

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