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Knee pain when running

2016/7/22 10:08:09

I run 3 miles twice a week warm up and cool down, but recently my left knee has started to ache it starts at the top then moves to the outside left where it gradually gets worse and slightly travels down my left side of my lower leg and ends up feeling like you have hit your funny bone a slight cramp feeling and to bend the knee of lift is an effort but if i slow down and walk the pain goes away but as soon as i start up again it gradually comes back .please can you help as i love to run to keep fit and don't like the gym.

Hi Amanda
It seems like you might have a little iliotibial band problem but can easily be corrected with some stretching.Most all problems occur from tracking and and alignment.Put iliotibial band in google for pictures and description of situation.After you work it for a while let me know if that did the job Amanda.

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