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I cant believe my knee starts hurting NOW

2016/7/22 10:07:56

I just became a dedicated jogger, and its brought so much to my life that I never want to quit (it actually makes me emotional!)  I'm 23 years old and I work out (jogging/weight training) twice a day by the grace of God, while managing 2 bright little boys, a supportive husband, and a ton of course work. I'm so proud of my accomplishments as a young lady and it would devastate me to have to stop jogging of all things- I never thought I could do it. Now I've lost 40 lbs, I'm empowered, and living such an awesome and healthy lifestyle with my family! I need some advice- my knee started hurting earlier a couple of hours after my morning run today, but it was mild and I proceeded with weight training this afternoon. Now its scaring me because its actually throbbing a bit- its the knee in general, but I think its mostly in the medial area. Does this really mean I shouldn't run in the morning? I'm sure you can't respond before my run in the morning, but I hope you can help me stay on trail in the long run. Glad I found you!

Hi Candice
Congratulation on your new life.You sound just like me 30 years ago starting out just like what your going threw now.(see my profile and web site).24 marathons and about 600 shorter races and now coaching some of the worlds best distance runners and founder of www.essexrunning.com with 250 members.If you have a dream in your heart and a vision of victory you can live and become the hero of your own success story Candice.Most injuries and problems associated with running especially individuals who are just starting out is tracking and alignment of the muscular skeleton system.It does not appear to be serious and any number of things could of caused it and was probably coming on for a little while.The best thing that i have found that works wonders for correcting some of those problems is a stationary bike and supplementing from time to time for 30 to 40 min med tension high revs 90 rpm.This will also strengthen your quads which helps with the stability and tracking of your knee and surrounding ligaments and tendons.Two things that can  help with your recovery on a regular basis are 500mg vit c with your 3 meals a day and epson salt baths and also ice it often when you get some soreness.Don't take any MEDS they just mask what your trying to keep and eye on and fix.If you have any other questions or would like to discuss this over phone just get in touch Candice.Your going to be fine so just relax.This is all part of running.

All the best

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