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burning in legs

2016/7/22 10:07:43

hi, i am having problems when i run.  the area right above my ankle bones. lower outer side of shins starts burning a couple minutes into run.  gets so bad that i almost have to hobble back home.  it goes away shortly after i stop running.  recently was fitted for a pair of shoes that feel great until i run.  then the burning starts.  i never used to have these problems running distance.  only when playing basketball.  i want to keep running but when it hurts so bad i have not clue on how to correct my form.  i know its not the shoes because it matters not what shoes i run in when i experience the pain..  please help!!!!

Hi Brandon
It appears to be shin splints.The best thing is to ice it as often as you cam and start taking 500 mg vit c with your 3 meals a day to enhance recovery of tissue,tendons,collagen.See how that works for you and let me know how it is.

All the best

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